Emphasized on the family instead sheer utter destruction. Full of so many selfish evil people that you want to side with the comet and watch everyone gets what they deserve. The mom was the most frustrating part of the movie. Love Gerard Butler but this was full of stupid ridiculous moments. The Eiffel Tower was standing still lol.
电影的改编确实很成功节奏紧凑配乐完美足够吓人小姐妹俩儿和217的“美女”还有“all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”电影刻画了很多经典镜头但看过小说的人大概无法不喜欢电视剧版吧毕竟斯蒂芬·金亲自操刀忠于原著电影突出恐怖气氛固然成效显著但《亚洲精品在线观看》不单单是个鬼故事Jack也不单单是酒鬼和疯子电视剧版还原了许多细节着重塑造立体的人物比起恐怖惊悚Jack的心理变化更令人回味故事是魔幻的人物却是真实的PS:看电影的时候就好喜欢黑人厨师电视剧版和原著一样厨师HE开心~